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The ever-growing list of all the ways to use UXtweak

The ever-growing list of all the ways to use UXtweak
UXtweak Team
•  05.03.2021
We have created a comprehensive (but by no means complete) list of different ways to use UXtweak and all its features. Use this list to inspire you as you read through, and we're sure you'll be able to find various ideas to improve your own website!

According to NN Group, at every stage in the design process, different UX methods can keep product-development efforts on the right track. UXtweak’s powerful tools built for usability testing, information architecture research, and user behavior analytics will help you to keep on track with your users’ needs at all stages of the development cycle. 

Read along this ever-growing list of possibilities to use UXtweak, to help you understand the many ways it’s able to bring value to you and your users.

1. Find out how long it takes people to complete a signup and checkout process 

Website Testing is a great way to determine how long it takes your visitors to complete a signup and checkout process. Simply write a task for your respondents, and observe how they complete it. Moreover, Website Testing provides you with a thorough analysis of the time taken on the task, the success rate, as well as where the respondents click first or where they abandon your page. Try the Website Testing tool and see how long it takes your customers to signup and checkout on your website!

2. Identify if your content is grouped logically for users 

In order not to confuse your users, it is important that the content on your website is organized in accordance with their expectations. Card Sorting is a great UX research technique to help you understand how your website users think. The insights you collect with card sorting will help you with labeling and grouping content to build an information architecture where users can find what they’re looking for with maximum efficiency. Find out if the content of your website is grouped logically with the Card Sorting tool!

3. Discover why your visitors don’t convert 

Session Recording is a great tool for conversion rate optimization because it allows you to look and replay anything that happens on any website’s screen. With such exact data, there is nothing that stands in your way to finding out why conversions don’t happen. Try the Session Recording tool to discover why your visitors don’t convert!

4. Optimize your app store listing

Another way to use UXtweak! Did you know you can apply your UX skills to ASO? App Store Optimization (or ASO) is the art of optimizing your app’s findability in app store such as iOS App Store and Google Play Store, similarly as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the art of optimizing for search engines-.

Find out what exactly ASO entails and how you can use your UX skills there, in the video below.

5. Measure and understand feature adoption

If you’ve launched a new feature and you’re not sure if users understand it and interact with it the right way, you can use Session Recording. Simply filter sessions specifically where the users come into contact with the new feature and check whether it was used in an intended way. Alternatively, you can also use Website Testing to give your visitors specific tasks to fulfill within the new feature and see if they have any issues interacting with it. Understand the adoption of your new feature with Website Testing or Session Recording tools.

6. Generate ideas for structuring your menu

Card Sorting helps you generate ideas for structuring your menu directly from your users so that the information on the website is grouped logically and allows them to find what they’re looking for easily. With Card Sorting by UXtweak, you can use an open or hybrid card sorting method for generating ideas, whichever suits you best. Generate ideas for structuring the menu on your website with the Card Sorting tool!

7. Improve your search engine optimization 

SEO today is heavily concerned with engagement. Using tree testing, you can optimize your site’s information architecture to make visitors stay on your website and consume the content. Moreover, good IA also helps web crawlers find and index all of the pages on your website. This will help your website get a better ranking in search results. Improve your SEO with Tree Testing Tool!

8. Understand what your visitors pay attention to

Session Recording’s Heatmaps allow you to easily find out where your website visitors click/tap and where they move their mouse. This helps you understand what visitors of your web pay attention to, what they are looking for, where they have problems, and whether your visitors think that something is clickable even though it is not. Find out what visitors of your website pay attention to with the Session Recording tool!

9. Discover if users understand your design

How developers and product designers envision a product to be used and in which the users than actually interact with it, often wary quite a bit. Session recording can be used to gather knowledge about the user experience on your website from real users. It can help you discover whether your website’s design helps to navigate users through your web or confuses them. Alternatively, you can also use Website Testing to give your visitors specific tasks to fulfill and see how they interact with the design. Discover if your users understand the design of your website with Website Testing or Session Recording tools.

10. Find out where people get lost

Tree Testing is perfect for finding out exactly where people get lost in your website structure and where they go instead. The insights you collect with Tree Testing show you whether your tree structure’s hierarchy and wording match user expectations. It also enables you to see how testers move through your tree – including where they get stuck. Figure out where people get lost on your page with Tree Testing Tool!

11. Identify if your content is engaging enough

Use Session Recording’s Heatmaps to simply determine whether your content is interesting for your visitors. With Scroll Heatmaps, you can see if your visitors only stay at the top of your website or if they actually scroll down on it. If your visitors are not scrolling down, it means your content is not engaging enough. Identify if your content is engaging enough with the Session Recording tool!

12. Find out how people understand certain concepts

With Card Sorting, you can see if people perceive your content the same way as you do. It’s a great way to understand your audience’s mental models by allowing you to see how different groups of people sort your content (you can filter your respondents by age, gender, geographical location, and so on). Find out how your visitors understand different concepts with the Card Sorting tool!

13. Reproduce and solve bugs

Session Recording is a quick and effective way to deal with bugs that appear on your website. Instead of asking the user to reiterate the steps that lead to the error or asking them to provide a screenshot, you can look up their session and see the bug appear yourself. Session Recording is a powerful weapon for tracking down any type of glitch or coding error and will help you eliminate them swiftly without increased costs. Reproduce and solve bugs quickly with the Session Recording tool!

14. Analyze the effectiveness of online advertising

By using Session Recording’s feature to keep track of UTM parameters and referrer URLs, your marketing specialists can use Session Recording to determine visitors’ reactions from various advertising campaigns to your landing page and the other features and content on your website. Analyze the effectiveness of your campaign with the Session Recording tool!

15. Come up with your own ways to use UXtweak. There are plenty!


If you wish to learn more about UXtweak, all the features there are, and how to use them to help you optimize your website, we have many interesting articles on our blog. Learn, for example, how to make good trees for tree testing, all about heatmaps, why, when, and how to run usability tests, how to analyze session recordings, and so much more! 

Try demos of our tools from the respondents’ perspective and see how the studies’ results look. 

If you come up with a way to use UXtweak that we did not mention, do not hesitate to write to us! 

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