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Creating a User Flow Map for Better UX

Creating a User Flow Map for Better UX
Exon Nkemchor
•  18.04.2023
Learn all you need to know about the science behind user flows; its fundamentals, types, hD
  • Why does your e-commerce website have a high abandonment rate at the checkout?
  • Why don’t your users sign up for your newsletter?
  • What causes low conversions? 
  • Is your site navigation effective and intuitive? 

Learn all you need to know about the science behind user flows; its fundamentals, types, how to create one with the right tools, user flow best practices and the role it plays in user experience.


Learn all you need to know about the


Learn all you need to know about the science behind user flows; its fundamentals, types, how to create one with the right tools, user flow best practices and the role it plays in user experience.


ows; its fundamentals, types, hD

People also ask (FAQ)

How do I create a user flow in UX?

You can create a user flow in 5 steps:

  1. Define the user
  2. Map out the user’s tasks and goals
  3. Choose the right type of user flow
  4. Create user flow
  5. Test and improve
What is the purpose of user flows?

User flows help to determine how many screens are needed for a website or app, what order they should appear in, and what components (design elements) need to be present. They are usually created early, during the planning stages of your design and after user research has been conducted.

What is meant by user flow?

A user flow is a visual (digital) representation of the steps a user takes navigating through a website or application that primarily shows what happens at each step along the way.

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